Cumparat tot de la Cornelia79, tot anul trecut.
Desi a doua floare e in culoarea normala, care ar trebui sa fie, inca infloreste cu o jumatate a florii mai dezvoltata ca cealalta.
Pegasus (Ausmoon)
Category English Roses
(English Rose Collection)
Bred By David Austin
Colour Apricot, Peach, Orange, Copper
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Size Medium Shrub
Short Climber
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Medium
Repeating Good
This rose is a little different from other English Roses, having charming, camellia-like flowers. They are of rich apricot-yellow, fading to cream at the edges. Its petals are thick and long-lasting, making it a good cut flower. There is a delicious true Tea Rose fragrance. A very healthy variety, it will form an attractively arching shrub. Its stems are smooth and almost entirely thornless and the leaves are shiny, like a Tea Rose. ‘Pegasus’ can also be trained as a climber or along a post and rail fence. Named after the winged horse of Greek mythology.